[ltp] Hotkeys not working after suspend/resume to disk (X220t)

Milan Plžík linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sat, 13 Aug 2011 16:59:29 +0200


  I'm tring to configure X220 tablet to use suspend to disk, however
it looks like after having successfully resumed, thinkpad hotkeys
don't work. I tried to rmmod/modprobe thinkpad-acpi module, but with
no luck. Interestingly, looks like suspend/resume to RAM fixes this
issue -- hotkeys I tested started to work correctly again. I was not
able to make further progress with debugging, but maybe some part of
hotkeys_resume (drivers/platform/x86/thinkpad_acpi.c) disables hotkeys
when resuming from disk; but I have not tested it.If there is anything
I can do/test, I'm ready for any suggestions.

  Best regards,
    Milan Plzik