[ltp] Renewing thermal paste on an X200
Jochen Spieker
Wed, 1 Aug 2012 10:06:06 +0200
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Jochen Spieker:
>| Before you attach the fan assembly to the computer, apply thermal grease=
, at an
>| amount of 0.2 grams, on the part marked 'a' as in the following figure. =
>| too much or too less application of grease can cause a thermal problem d=
ue to
>| imperfect contact with a component. You need to peel the thin film off f=
rom the
>| rubber 'b'.
> What is this "thin film [on] the rubber"? Does this only refer to new
> fan assemblies? Can I just ignore that part when cleaning the system or
> should I buy a new thermal pad or something? Or is one of the parts for
> the CPU and the other for the GPU and I need to renew the grease/pad on
> both parts? Where would I get a thermal pad with the correct dimensions?
JFTR, the CPU uses thermal paste and the GPU uses a thermal pad. I used
some left over Arctic Silver for the CPU and a thermal pad I found in my
tech junk bin for the GPU. Thermal paste doesn't work for the GPU.
Without the added height from a pad, it loses contact with the heat
My CPU's temperatures dropped below 80=B0C again. Airflow hasn't really
improved, as far as I can see, but the temps are ok.
All participation is a myth.
[Agree] [Disagree]
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