[ltp] T61 LED backlight mod
Mon, 23 Dec 2013 09:47:40 -0600
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Bert Haskins wrote at 2013-12-20 11:33 -0600:
> On 12/20/2013 09:23 AM, green wrote:
> >ThinkPad T61, 14.1 inch, SXGA+, with a very dim backlight. It is
> >nearly impossible to use in sunlight, and becoming more difficult to
> >use even in low-light indoor settings.
> >
> >I am considering this product (same product from 2 vendors?):
> >http://www.iccfl.com/product_info.php?products_id=5618
> >http://www.xccfl.com/product_info.php?products_id=4727
> I had not noticed this, thanks for bringing it up.
> This is so interesting to me that I may buy a t61 or another r61
> just to try it.
> I have a r61 which is slowly going dim but I would have to to try this on
> a more expendable one first.
> I have replaced a few ccfl tubes in the past and it is not something that
> I would really want to do again because it's just do difficult.
> So I too would like to hear your questions answered.
I have also considered replacing the CCFL instead, but maybe this is
more difficult than the LED mod, based on your experience?
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