[ltp] Re: using Middleton BIOS on Linux (for SATA2)

green linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Tue, 29 Jan 2013 15:31:02 -0600

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Stefan Monnier wrote at 2013-01-28 13:38 -0600:
> > It stants for "ida active and doing something".  If you want to really
> > know how fast in average the processor is doing under ida, get a copy
> > of "turbostat" from the latest linux-kernel tree.  Maybe powertop 2.x
> > also shows that info.
> OT1H, I guess that's nice, since it means IDA is working already for me.
> OTOH it means I can't look forward to a small speed bump any more.

Same here.  Thanks, Henrique.  I will not worry about the Middleton
BIOS until/unless I get a SSD or need the whitelist disabled.

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