[ltp] T61: battery charging inspite of tp_smapi thresholds
Dmitry E. Mikhailov
Sun, 26 May 2013 11:04:32 +0600
Please disregard the previous message. Sorry.
Hi, I've got the Thinkpad T61 8891-CTO
The problem is the new ('original' ebay's) battery keeps being charged
to 100% in spite of thresholds being set:
[tn@ibm2 BAT0]$ cat start_charge_thresh
[tn@ibm2 BAT0]$ cat stop_charge_thresh
[tn@ibm2 BAT0]$ pwd
The BIOS is 2.29 (EC 1.08) Middleton's.
The 'inhibit_charge_minutes' works so I guess SMAPI works somewhat.
Even more: the battery is charging for some 10 seconds, the idle for 10
seconds, then again charging, then idle etc.
The problem is traced to battery: the same behavior with the same
battery on two T61's with charging thresholds set - my laptop on
RHEL/CentOS6, other - on Win7.
1) leaving for half an hour without battery and AC
2) removing battery and reinserting while on AC
3) charging battery to 100% and the discharging it until the laptop
powers off (and recharging again).
I'm running out of ideas. Anyone?
Best regards,
Dmitry Mikhailov