[ltp] Thinkpad charger plug
Mon, 30 Mar 2015 14:07:37 +0100
+++ Timothy Murphy [2015-03-30 13:42 +0100]:
> I've 2 Thinkpad T-series chargers with frayed charger wires -
> they both work some of the time but often fail.
> I have other chargers which work fine
> so the fault seems to lie in the connection to the plug
> that goes into the back of the computer.
> Is it possible to remove this plug and re-solder the wire to it?
> I tried this but it seemed to be very difficult
> to take off the plastic surround to the plug.
> Or is it possible to buy a new plug and replace the present one?
Yes you can solder a new plug on. You have to chop the old one
off because it's moulded on.
There are three types of connector that have been used on T-series:
two sizes of DC-barrel old 19V (common size) and new 20V
(much harder to find, massive barrel), and the square connector for
the T440
Full info at: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Power_Connector
Alternatively you can buy a new cable to go into the PSU, or a whole
new PSU which can be only about a tenner on ebay.
Principal hats: Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM