770z problems

William Wong linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Thu, 29 Apr 1999 11:14:08 +0800 (HKT)

I have heard people saying that a set of utilities (which includes the
PS2.EXE) is available on IBM website.


On Wed, 28 Apr 1999, jeffk wrote:

> What OS did the machine come with originally?  It's possible that the serial
> port is turned off - normally you'd use the Thinkpad features to turn it
> back on, but without WinXX, that's tough.  You should also be able to use
> the 'PS2' command - I'd expect that that would work if you booted from a DOS
> diskette (but you'd need to steal PS2.EXE (or .COM) from another TP that's
> got WinXX on it already)
> Jeff

William Wong                          		Phone    : (852) 2883-7866
Internet Provisioning                   	Fax      : (852) 2962-5005
Hongkong Telecom		 		Email	 : wwong@hkt.net
                                                URL      : http://www.hkt.net