Forced removals from

Bill Mair
Thu, 29 Apr 1999 15:36:01 +0200

Dear list members,

If you don't want to receive anymore messages from this list
then please simply u-n-s-u-b-s-c-r-i-b-e.

The following two mail IDs keep bouncing and have been
removed from the mailing list. Every time a list member
send a mail I get three, the original & two bounce protocols.

... while talking to
>>> MAIL From:<>
<<< 550 Mail from refused; see
554 <>... Service unavailable
... while talking to
>>> RCPT To:<>
<<< 551 <>... we do not relay
550 <>... User unknown

I just hope that me setting up this list has not led to my mail
domain being listed as a spammer site. If that is the case then
I will be forced to stop this list.

Can someone please try sending/forwarding these two this mail
and let me know if and their reply is ? And if it because the
dorkslayers site has been suspended then we're all out of luck.
