[ltp] XFree86 on TP 770X

Doug Ambrisko linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Thu, 28 Dec 2000 10:31:08 -0800 (PST)

Friedemann Baitinger writes:
| On Thu, 28 Dec 2000, Udo Weber wrote:
| > Thanks for your answer,
| > but this was the way which was used in the past in Mandrake/Cooker.
| > Now it seems that the newest KDE (and also other window-managers)
| > require XFree86 V4 to work proper.
| > I think this will be the big move away from the old X V3.
| > We have to research how to get the TP770X working also with the new X.
| > It cannot be that the mixed X V3/V4 should be the last final solution.
| I fully agree with you. It's just that the current XFree V4.0.1 doesn't
| seem to work reliably on the TP-770X. Of course, your milage may
| vary. Feel free to try it. As I said on my RH 7 installation it
| repeatedly crashed the machine. Perhaps XFree-4.0.2 already has a fix. I
| haven't had a chance to try that yet.

You might try 4.0.2 or the latest CVS bits.  I worked with Alan to get
rid of the system lockups.  I think there is still a disappearing mouse
issue and ever so often the XServer doesn't start up right and produces
a strange screen.  Restarting it fixes it (I do a Cntl Alt BKSP from
xdm).  Except for that I haven't seen any trouble and I've been using
it for a few weeks.   The standard XF86Config file should be fine.

If you still see lock ups add the following:
	Option "XaaNoScanlineCPUToScreenColorExpandFill"
	Option "XaaNoScanlineImageWriteRect"
in the
	Section "Device"

Doug A.
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