[ltp] finding module dependencies stalls.

eduardo linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Wed, 09 Feb 2000 11:21:23 +0000

Jake Holmen wrote:
> M. Leo - thanks for that.    I swear black and blue that I did
> make config
> make dep
> make bzImage
> make modules
> make modules_install


There is the recipe:(everything using user root)

1. put the kernel (linux-2.2.14.tar.gz for e.g.) and the
pcmcia-cs.x.x.xx.tar.gz in the /usr/src directory.

2. open them: tar zxvf linux-2.2.14.tar.gz
              tar zxvf pcmcia-cs.x.x.xx.tar.gz

3. enter in the directory linux just created and type make xconfig.
   configure your new kernel (processor, APM, network, fs, etc.) there
is a
help on every question. After check out all items, save.

4. make dep (to create dependencies rules)

5. make clean (to be certified you are not getting old compiled stuff)

6. make bzImage ( to compile the kernel )

7. make modules ( to create the modules )

8. make modules_install (to install them)

9. copy the file /usr/src/linux/System.map to the directory /boot but
another name like System.map.new

10. copy the file /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage (this is your
kernel) to the directory /boot with another name too  (bzImage.new)

11. remove the files /boot/System.map and /boot/vmlinuz

12. go to /boot (cd /boot) and create link to the new files:

ln -s  System.map.new System.map
ln -s bzImage.new vmlinuz

13. open the file /etc/lilo.conf and verify if it's appointing to the
image ( the line -> image = /boot/vmlinuz )

14. if it's ok re-run lilo ( just enter "lilo" )

15 if there is no error messages, reboot (shutdown -r now)

16. the system should stop in the dependencies...( you haven't compile
pcmcia yet...) just press CTRL + C.

17. log as root again and go to /usr/src/pcmcia-cs-x.x.xx you have
created in
step 2

18. type make config

19. answer the question "How would you like to set kernel-specific
with "2".   All the others you can use the default.

20. make all (to compile the pcmcia) and if it's ok, make install.

GREAT. reboot your system again. everything should be OK now.
If you got some error messages in the steps that ask you to compile,
the preceding step.

read the kernel HOW-TO to more detailed and precise information.

Sorry for my poor English.


Eduardo Cruz
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