[ltp] New mwavem release

Fabrice Bellet linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Fri, 19 Jan 2001 11:03:06 +0100


On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 02:07:11AM +0000, Thomas Hood wrote:
> The latest releave (20010112) of the Mwave/ACP modem driver 
> http://oss.software.ibm.com/developer/opensource/linux/projects/mwave/

I use a non standard kernel number (2.4.0-7), so kernel symbol names
are mangled in a different way that prevent the mwavedd.o module to be 
loaded. Anyway, you can apply a couple of:

sed 's/old_symbol_name/new_symbol_name/g' < module.o > newmodule.o

where new_symbol_name is taken from /proc/ksyms. This hack works 
because old_ and new_symbol_name have the same size...
Beware, this modification is forbidden by the license agreement of
this driver.

Another point :
the modem uses two irqs : one for uart and one for dsp. You have the
possibility to share a single irq with ps2.exe. This feature doesn't
seem to be usable with the linux driver. Anyone can confirm this ?

Just my two cents.
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