[ltp] tpctl & thinkpad 3.0pre1

Tom Allison linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Wed, 17 Oct 2001 22:51:58 -0400

Thomas Hood wrote:

>  --- Thomas Hood <jdthood2@yahoo.co.uk> wrote: 
>>     REGISTER thinkpad$    PERMISSIONS root.thinkpad  0664
>>     REGISTER thinkpad$    EXECUTE chmod 0755 /dev/thinkpad
> Oops, that should be (without the '$'s):
>       REGISTER thinkpad    PERMISSIONS root.thinkpad  0664
>       REGISTER thinkpad    EXECUTE chmod 0755 /dev/thinkpad

Dumb question and quite likely OT, but tpctl is the closest I can find.

I was wondering... In the IR-HOWTO there is mention that you have to 
(possibly) go into Windows to set your IRDA port 'ON' and then run 
thereafter in Linux.
I am wondering if that is still a valid statement for the IBM A21m types 
of notebook PC's?
Also, is tpctl have anything to do with this?
And...  is there some (any) other way to see if my irda is working 
correctly?  I've tried to set it up but I get some odd errors that I 
haven't seriously looked into yet.
But I've heard off/on about tpctl and that it can do some pretty kewl 
stuff.  I wasn't sure if this (IR) was part of it or not.

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