[ltp] A cry for help with installation on a 560

Pradeep Rao linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Thu, 03 Jan 2002 15:54:44 +0530

Try this :
1. Copy the dosutils directory onto a FAT partition and boot into that
2. run autoboot with the Redhat cd in the cdrom drive


thomas@bostaden.swedlaw.com wrote:
> I have a 560 thinkpad with a sony discman cd-rom using a using a scsi
> II card from adaptec (1460A). I have tried to install Red Hat 7.1 by
> creating both a boot.img disc and a pcmcia.img disc and a
> pcmciaadd.img disc, but to no avail. I simply cannot get the red hat
> installation to load necessary drivers and recognize my cd-rom. Since
> I can't install anything I don't know how to go about trying to make
> the linux dist. recognize my cd-rom. Does anyone know what I should
> do? From what I have found out through the internet the adaptec 1460A
> should work with linux.
> Still having hope
> Thomas Nyman

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