[ltp] t23 integrated wireless questions

unlisted linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
19 Sep 2002 07:40:47 -0500

On Wed, 2002-09-18 at 18:58, Julian Underwood wrote:
> And lastly, I am trying to get "AirSnort" to work (I've also tried a
> bunch of other Linux wireless scanners without success.)  I cannot "set
> monitor mode" and in the terminal window it says "sh: wlanctl-ng:
> command not found".  Does this have to do with how my $PATH is set?
> Thanks a lot for your input!

try looking in "/sbin".  that's where it is on my debian (testing/sarge)
machine.  i installed from source
(ftp://ftp.linux-wlan.org/pub/linux-wlan-ng/linux-wlan-ng-0.1.14.tar.gz), and i think that's where the makefile puts it.  though i did use the debian directory within the source tarball which created me a .deb (comparable to a .rpm), which very well could have overriden intended file destinations within the makefile (as makefiles usually default to "/usr/local", but .deb packagers usually target "/".)

if it's not in "/sbin", then try finding it with the locate/slocate
command (ie "locate wlanctl-ng"; assuming you have locate/slocate
installed and locatedb is up-to-date).

you are trying to run as root (or "su"ing, "sudo"ing, etc, to root),
right?  i believe wlanctl-ng must be ran as root (because of its
interaction with and control over your hardware; if not, i would
recommend it be limited to root or a very specific user group, if
possible).  also, most users don't have "/sbin" in their path (because
ordinary users don't have control over the system, which is what "/sbin"
is all about), so you're hunch about the command not being in your path
could be correct, but maybe only because you are not running as root.

also be aware that airsnort (both 0.2.1a/b) is broken wrt cracking wep.
see the latest messages in the airsnort-user list archives at
http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=8750.  but it'll
still put the prism card into promiscuous mode and do packet captures
for you (which is all i wanted for my wireless self-educating interest).

i can recommend prismstumbler (http://prismstumbler.sf.net) if you just
want to put your card into promiscuous mode (and capture with ethereal
or any pcap-interfacing application, which i think is now possible with
wlan-ng 0.1.14) and see what's (wirelessly) around, including signal
strength.  this is the only application that i've found to display
signal strength (but possibly due to not looking very hard :-), though
you can read it directly from the prism-headers in the packet

i tried to get kismet (http://kismetwireless.net) installed and running
on my machine, as i have heard good things about it, but at that time, a
few months ago, the kismet available from debian was out-dated and i
couldn't familiarize myself with it and get it to work within 30 minutes
(where airsnort and prismstumbler took 5 minutes total; well, after
getting them compiled), so i walked away from it.  the version in debian
unstable/sid has been updated since my last attempt, so i'm now
upgrading to it (since you brought it to mind) and might give it another
try sometime.
