Windows tax (Re: [ltp] T40 / Pentium M and Linux)

Steve Barr steve.barr at
Tue Apr 1 03:02:17 CEST 2003

Tod Harter wrote:
 > I'll TRY it the next time I want to buy a machine, but its a pretty
 > sad joke when the product is a RUMOUR,

I played 'secret shopper,' it looks like that option is
not available to the average consumer:

--begin quotation--
Subject.: IBM'S REPLY

Dear Mr. Barr,

Thank you for contacting IBM.

We are in receipt of your e-mail inquiring if it
is possible to purchase an IBM ThinkPad without
an operating system pre-installed.

Please be advised that IBM will only sell computers
with a pre-installed operating system.  Currently,
IBM is pre-installing Microsoft Windows XP Home,
Windows XP Professional and Windows 2000 in the
ThinkPads.  For information about IBM ThinkPad and
current models, please visit the following Web site:

If you require additional information or
assistance, please contact IBM PSG Direct
Sales at 1-877-999-7115.  Please select
option 4 on the voice response unit to speak
with a sales specialist who will be happy to
assist you further.

Their hours of operation are Monday to Friday,
8:30am to 9:00pm EST, Saturdays from 9:00am
to 8:00pm EST and Sundays from 10:00am to
7:00pm EST.

Thank you for visiting our site and contacting IBM.

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--end quotation--

This message contains 100% my opinions.

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