[ltp] Re: can not open /dev/thinkpad

Mark Hedges linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sat, 4 Oct 2003 16:48:01 -0700

The last message in this thread was by
Thomas Hood  linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
21 Oct 2002 10:24:00 +0200

After starting devfsd on boot, I am able to use tpctl.

However tpctl --rsx replies as follows:

   resource state:                        ioaddr irq#   able? mode/power
   thinkpadpm: Power state of device 0x400 could not be got; 0x9999 was returned as the state -- APM error 0x1
      serial port 1:                       0x0   IRQ0 disable (error)
      serial port 2:                       0x0   IRQ0 disable

And there is no device /dev/tts/1.  Only /dev/tts/0.

I tried running PS2.EXE off the cdrom at 
http://www.baiti.net/tp770x/ps2.html.  PS2 SERA ENABLE reports
a memory error and suggests I initialize from EZ Setup at boot.
This has no effect.  PS2 SE ON apparently turns the serial
port on, but it doesn't seem to matter.  Any ideas?

On a different issue, why does lspci work sometimes, but 
other times generates the following message?

   pcilib: Cannot open /proc/bus/pci/05/00.0
   lspci: Unable to read 64 bytes of configuration space.

lspci -s 03 -v reports the Lucent WinModem, but I am
running 2.4.20, thus the need to make the serial port work.
