[ltp] WiFi 802.11 a/b/g on T40 anyone?

Kevin Horgan linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Thu, 25 Sep 2003 18:09:13 +0000

I'm trying to decide which miniPCI card I should have installed on my 
incoming T40.  Obviously the Intel is out due to their non-support (I really 
don't feel like waiting for vaporware due first half of 2004).

One option is to go with the Cisco Aironet card, which I've read is 
supported.  However, when I read folks mini-howto's it seems keeping it 
running is a pain in the ass, due to Windows drivers automatically updating 
the firmware, causing problems in the Linux side, etc.  (This T40 will be a 
dual-boot machine)

Another option is to use IBM's WiFi card which seems to be supported by the 
madwifi project.  I checked sourceforge and it doesn't appear like a lot of 
work is being done there though - last update was 8/2/03.  Maybe I'm wrong, 
and maybe the driver works great.

A third option is to use IBM's 802.11 a/b/g WiFi card.  I've heard it also 
uses the Atheros chipset and the formerly mentioned madwifi drivers should 
support this card as well.

What have people had luck with?  What would people's recommendations be.  
These all cost about the same amount of cash, and I'm looking for relative 
ease of use.



p.s. post private responses to kevinhorgan1 "at" yahoo.com

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