[ltp] T41 docking stations and lineout/serial

Richard J. Mancusi linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Tue, 13 Jan 2004 11:31:17 -0600

Joel -

IBM list 3 expansion solutions:
   Dock II - $529.00
   Mini-Dock - $229.00
   Port Replicator - $179.00
You mentioned that you use the Mini-Dock.  I need a standard DB-9
serial port.  Do you have a "Best Guess" if the other two expansion
solutions would work also?


Joel Ebel wrote:
> My mini dock for my T40 includes a serial port, which I've already used 
> a great deal today, and a line in, which I have never used, but will 
> test right now... It works. :)
> Joel
> Eduardo Jacob wrote:
>> At 15:56 13/01/2004, you wrote:
>>  >> Does anybody know if any docking station for a T41, will bring out 
>> stereo
>>  >> line out or serial port? I know T41 doesn't have them, but I don't 
>> know if
>>  >> they are available at the PCI bus level.
>>     Oops... I meant "Line In" and serial port neither of them is 
>> available on the portable but I was hoping it to be available on a 
>> docking station (like DVI out, which is only available when using a 
>> docking station)
>>     I haven't find an specifical technical reference for T41, only a 
>> maintenance one. I would like to know specifically if "line in" and 
>> serial port are available on a docking station with a T41. The easiest 
>> way is that somebody with this combination could try... :-)
>>     Regards
>>     Eduardo
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Prof. Eduardo Jacob - Area de Ingenieria Telematica
>> Departamento de Electronica y Telecomunicaciones
>> ETSII y de IT               Tel: +34 94 601 4214
>> UPV / EHU                   Fax: +34 94 601 4259
>> Alda Urquijo s/n         E-mail: jtpjatae(arroba)bi.ehu.es
>> E-48013 - Bilbao (Spain)
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