[ltp] Re: [SLE] ThinkPad CPU frequency

Michael Kershaw linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sun, 19 Sep 2004 08:47:26 -0400

Hey James,
   When you boot up your laptop....is the power plugged in?  I noticed
on a previous kernel that I was running on my T40, that I saw the same
thing but only when I started the laptop without being plugged in.  As
long as I started the lappy while plugged in, and then removed the
power afterwards, that the Frequency would change appropriately.  If I
went about it the other way around, it just didn't work like it
should.  Don't know if this is what your seeing but who knows....maybe
it will help.

PS..do you compile your own kernel??? Or just let SuSE do it's thing?  

On Sat, 18 Sep 2004 23:04:58 -0400, James Knott <james.knott@rogers.com> wrote:
> I'm running SuSE 9.1 on an IBM ThinkPad R31.  One thing I've noticed, is
> that /proc/cpuinfo shows the cpu running at 731 MHz, and /proc/cpufreq
> shows 731 MHz as the minimum frequency and 1130 MHz as maximum.  The
> computer is running on AC, and the BIOS is set for maximum performance.
>   Why is the cpu running at minimum speed, while on AC and how would I
> change it?  Both APM & ACPI are off.
> tnx jk
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