[ltp] linux problem, hard drive problem or motherboard problem

Loïc Minier linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Mon, 27 Sep 2004 16:36:49 +0200

Cheryl Homiak <chomiak@charter.net> - Sun, Sep 26, 2004:

> I've recently been getting errors like:
> end_request, i/o error dev hda, sector (then a sector number)
> This then causes my ext3 journals to abort and I have to either just hold
> the button till the computer shuts down or sometimes ctrl-alt-del will
> work; can't use "shutdown". When I start up again, everything will be ok
> for some time before it happens again; I have my laptop on most of the
> time.

 Strange, I've got that yesterday: any operation would fail on my laptop
 with "Input/Output error".  Are you running Debian sid like I do?  Did
 you update your system in the past three days?
   I don't know wether it will happen again, but this occurred during a
 system upgrade (a short time after it actually), and because of
 laptop_mode and XFS, I lost quite some time repairing my system (about
 2 hours).

 I kept the list of packages I updated yesterday, and the most suspect
 ones are:
 - base-config,
 - binutils,
 - bsdutils,
 - e2fslibs,
 - e2fsprogs,
 - libblkid1,
 - libpt-1.6.3 (I crashed under X),
 - libuuid1,
 - mount,
 - util-linux.

 However, I exchanged shortly with LaMont Jones, maintainer of
 util-linux, and he told me the changes were very small, so this would
 - bsdutils,
 - mount,
 - util-linux.

 I am running XFS, so e2fslibs, e2fsprogs, and libblkid1 should not be
   Changelogs did not expose anything interesting.

 Well that's about all I know.


Loïc Minier <lool@dooz.org>