[ltp] Mails from ATI about the Suspend-To-Ram problem with fglrx drivers

Mario Limonciello linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Tue, 12 Apr 2005 14:25:08 -0400

Nils wrote:

>>What is happening, if you save the state just at the first boot up. and
>>alwas restore this saved vbestate image?
>>		    Key-ID:     0x1A995A9B
>>		    keyserver: pgp.mit.edu
>>Fingerprint: 4606 DA19 EC2E 9A0B 0157  C81B DA07 CF63 1A99 5A9B
>Hi Peter,
>I tried it ...
>If I resume from a state (after boot without X) the laptop crashes.
>If I resume from a state (after boot with X login manager) the laptop works, 
>but it solves no problems.
>The high power consumption problem can be solved by adding these to lines in 
>the /etc/acpi/sleep.sh script before chvt 7. (only another dirty hack)
>export PATH=$PATH:/usr/X11R6/bin
>/usr/X11R6/bin/xinit /bin/false -- :1 
>(after the fake X Server the ati card is probably a little bit more 
>But fgl_glxgears crashes in the same way.

I'm not running into the same problems you have with fgl_glxgears 
crashing after resume.  What exactly happens to your crash?

Also as for this power consumption thing - how are you able to tell that 
you are using about 10W more power from the ATI problem?

My plans are to never suspend in console mode, so its not really 
relavent to me if it won't suspend in console.  However if for you the 
problem is that you cant save and restore a vbestate in console, just do 
a ps aux | grep "X" to find out if X is running, and if its not have 
some different settings in your suspend script.
