[ltp] Shopping for a Thinkpad

thinking linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Wed, 28 Dec 2005 00:02:27 +0000

On Tuesday 27 December 2005 08:42 am, Bret Comstock Waldow wrote:
> I recommend you remove your last name and the town you live in. =A0Knowing
> "USA" really ought to be enough for any legitimate purpose on the list,
> with private messages providing anything else you deem appropriate for a
> specific communication on a case by case basis.

  OK, but how do you know that's really my name? =20
  On the lists that require name, town and state in the signature,  I've=20
noticed people are a lot more civilized and polite than on lists where=20
anonymity is allowed.  We expect that someone who has an opinion or advice =
offer will be willing to put his name on it.  We're dog trainers, and it su=
is a whole lot easier to refer a pet owner to a good trainer in Timbuktu if=
know that trainer's name and how to find him.  =20

   Somebody would have to go to a lot of trouble to stalk me, and I can't=20
imagine it would be very interesting.  If a person wanted to follow me and =
two Rottweilers around the farm and help with the chores,  I've got a spare=
manure fork around here someplace.

Madame Blavatski=20
USA, perhaps