[ltp] Sound in FC3 (udev)

wes schreiner linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Thu, 17 Feb 2005 21:37:07 -0600

Charles E Taylor IV wrote:

>On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 19:15:03 -0600
>wes schreiner <wes@infosink.com> wrote:
>>The IBM site's tips on installing Linux (old RH 6.2) on a 600E is gone, 
>>at least my old link is dead and I can't find it again.
>This link still seems to work:
Ahh yes, that's it. Wow, it's even more out of date than I remembered. 
RH 6.0, not 6.2. It says that the modem isn't supported, though the 
Mwave (ACP) modem driver has been in the kernel for years. But the info 
on setting the sound is more or less correct if one is using the OSS 
driver, except that they talk about a hack to reload the driver after 
boot. I don't remember ever needing something like that with the OSS 
driver. I guess this info is OK, as far as it goes, but one should keep 
in mind that it hasn't been revised in years and there is newer 
information elsewhere. So it is a good place to start perhaps.
