[ltp] Re: Failing fan (Re: Is my T23 thinkpad hard drive failing?)

Juergen Stuber linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sat, 11 Jun 2005 13:02:00 +0200

Hi Christopher,

Christopher Sawtell <csawtell@paradise.net.nz> writes:
> On Sat, 04 Jun 2005 20:28, Juergen Stuber wrote:
>> Christopher Sawtell <csawtell@paradise.net.nz> writes:
>> > 1) Cpu fans make an appalling low frequency growling noise when the
>> > bearings fail.
>> the fan on my T30 has been growling at me for quite a few weeks now
>> (the machine was on for most of the 2+ years I have it).
>> Can anybody relate some experience how long one can ignore this
>> and how easy it is to replace the fan?
> I'd say: Don't delay, the hot weather in your part of the world is nearly 
> starting. 

I've already had 33°C in my under-the-roof apartment this year :-)

> Getting a new fan is far cheaper than a new CPU.

But I think the P4s just slow down if they get too hot,
or can they really destroy themselves with their own heat?

Anyway, after looking in the hardware manual it looks much easier
to replace than I thought, it is accessible just below the keyboard.
So I ordered the part and I will replace it in a few days.

That's one of the things I like a lot about IBM,
they make it easy for you to help yourself.


NO to software patents -- stop the European patents directive

Jürgen Stuber <juergen@jstuber.net>
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