[ltp] Re: [Hdaps-devel] Patch for X40 (was: [ANN] tp_smapi 0.19 adds dates, improves stability)

Shem Multinymous linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Tue, 11 Apr 2006 20:53:41 +0300

On 4/11/06, Elias Oltmanns <oltmanns@uni-bonn.de> wrote:
> hdaps_invert has been changed to give a bitwise representation of
> possibly inverted axes. Bit 1 refers to the x axis whereas bit 2
> refers to the y axis.

Let's #define these bits, for clarity?

> the extra initialisation part for the X40 was not accepted
> upstream because seems like a desperate guess rather than an
> intelligent one.

Well, it is an ugly hack... Does it work after suspend to RAM and
suspend to disk?
What happens if you replace that part of the code with
tp_controller_read(0x13,0x01,buf), verify that it returns 0 and that
buf[0xf] is 0, and set status=3Dbuf[1]? That's logically equivalent, but
has some error checking and retries along the way.
