[ltp] t22 battery problems??

Ted Frater linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sun, 08 Jan 2006 00:31:41 +0000

David Smith wrote:

>Ok so a while back I posted about problems with my thinkpad and batteries.
>I'm running Windows XP. (yes i know its a linux list ;P)
>I did a full battery cycle with a universal charger and the original ibm
>battery comes back to about 37 of the "NEW" battery 43 watt hours
>Actually I did a complete discharge and my universal charger/conditioner
>indicated almost 4 amp hours of depleted capacity.
>I then let it charge somewhat. Windows reported the 37 wah capacity and I
>let it charge the battery to 100%.
>I unplugged the laptop, and within a minute it goes from 100 to 0%. What
>I bought an aftermarket replacement and it doesnt charge right either.
>I seemed to get longer life under linux although I'm not sure if thats due
>to usage differences.
>Anyone help? :)
>-- dave
When laptop makers went from simple lithium ion batteries without  on 
board firmware to sense battery charge cycles age and  condition
 to batteries with asll of the listed controls they made them as it was 
describerd at the time, fail safe.
 this means that the onboard firmware will effectively shut the battery 
down  even when there a lot of life left in it for the following reasons.
1. to protect the laptop  electronics inc the charging circuits and dc 
to dc converter as well as the cells in thebattery
 Older laptops didnt have this on board firmware and give much longer 
battery life than the newer ones.
so theres nothing you can do apart from buying another proper T 22 
battery which youll find will work ok .
 there was a time when the 600 range of Thinkpads had serious lithium 
ion battery failure rates, but IBM wouldnt admit there was a design 
fault with the firmware.
As for the aftermarket battery being duffas well. My guess is that its 
just a coincidence.
 youve 2 dead batteries.