[ltp] XRandR

Norman Walsh linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Fri, 20 Oct 2006 16:13:56 -0400

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Scanning some recent mail on this list lead me (perhaps mislead me :-)
to the conclusion that I could use xrandr to change my display
configuration instead of restarting X.

I've got a T42p and I run two different configurations almost daily:

1. A "dual monitor" setup when I'm sitting at my desk (I don't have a
   docking station, it's just my laptop on my desk). At my desk I have
   a 1600x1200 panel above my LCD, so I get a virtual 1600x2400

Section "Device"
	Identifier	"ATI Technologies, Inc. M10 NT [FireGL Mobility T2]"
	Driver		"ati"
	BusID		"PCI:1:0:0"
	# ndw
	Option		"MonitorLayout"	"LVDS,CRT"
        Option		"MergedFB"       "true"
        Option		"CRT2HSync"      "32-91"
        Option		"CRT2VRefresh"   "56-76"
        Option		"CRT2Position"   "Above"
	Option		"MetaModes" "1600x1200-1600x1200"
	# /ndw

2. A "cloned" setup with only a single 1600x1200 desktop that I use
   when I carry the laptop somewhere else in the house:

Section "Device"
	Identifier	"ATI Technologies, Inc. M10 NT [FireGL Mobility T2]"
	Driver		"ati"
	BusID		"PCI:1:0:0"
	# ndw
        Option     	"CRT2HSync"		"32-91"
        Option     	"CRT2VRefresh"		"56-76"
	Option		"MonitorLayout"		"LVDS,CRT"
	Option		"MetaModes"		"1600x1200-1600x1200"
	# /ndw

Actually, the clonedness is irrelevant and I'd be just as happy if it
didn't send a signal to the external port at all in this case.

Before I rebuilt my machine with Ubuntu Edgy Eft, I had a third config
for presentations that was 1600x1200 on my LCD and 1024x768 on the
external port. (Or at least that's what it was supposed to be, I can't
actually prove it worked exactly like that, though it did work for
presentations so I think it worked like that. Anyway, I haven't taken
the time to rebuild that one yet.)

Being able to switch between 1 and 2 without logging out and logging
back in again would be quite nice.

When I run xrandr it only shows one size:

$ xrandr
 SZ:    Pixels          Physical       Refresh
*0   1600 x 2400   ( 542mm x 813mm )  *29307
Current rotation - normal
Current reflection - none
Rotations possible - normal=20
Reflections possible - none

and attempting to request 1600x1200 reports "Size 1600x1200 not found
in available modes"

Fiddling with other things, like rotation, report X Errors.

User error? Anyone have a clue stick handy?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | Everything should be made as simple as
http://nwalsh.com/            | possible, but no simpler.

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