[ltp] Power drain with radeonfb and fbcon built in

Marius Gedminas linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sun, 4 Nov 2007 16:16:12 +0200

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On Sun, Nov 04, 2007 at 02:09:05PM +0100, Felix E. Klee wrote:
> I can't believe it: After having rebuilt Ubuntu's kernel with radeonfb
> and fbcon *built in*, the sleep.sh test script still says that my system
> is affected by the power drain issue.  Note that I ran sleep.sh directly
> after startup before X was started (which I do by typing "startx"), and
> yes radeonfb mode was correctly initialized and I did get the messages
> "radeonfb (0000:01:00.0): suspending to state: 2...", etc..

You always get this message with radeonfb.  The important bit is: do you
get a "radeonfb (...): switching to D2 state..." message as well?

How much power does it draw while suspended?

> So:
> * Is there anyone here who has solved the power drain issue with kernel
>   2.6.22 or even with Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon)?

A few Ubuntu versions ago the laptop ate about 3.5 Watt while suspended.
Loading radeonfb changed that to 0.5 Watt.

Then I upgraded to Edgy and the laptop started eating 2.5 Watt while
suspended.  AFAIR the kernel log had the "suspending to state: 2", but
did not have the "switching to D2 state" message any more.  Then I
upgraded to Feisty and the power drain went away:

Then I got a T61 and never tried Gutsy on the T42.  My coworker
currently has Gutsy installed on it, I can ask him if he has any power
drain problems.

Marius Gedminas
Some of the more environmentally aware dinosaurs were worried about the
consequences of an accident with the new Iridium enriched fusion reactor.
"If it goes off only the cockroaches and mammals will survive..." they said.

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