[ltp] Curious WiFi issue dual booting w/T42 running Suse10.3

Timothy Murphy linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sun, 11 Nov 2007 13:58:46 +0000

On Sun 11 Nov 2007, portsample wrote:

> I have a dual boot system on my T42 where my hard drive is shared
> between Suse 10.3 and WinXP. Earlier today I was connected into my
> wireless hub using WinXP, shut down and rebooted into Suse 10.3, at
> which point I could not get the wireless modem to be detected. I
> basically did a reinstall w/absolutely no luck. Rebooted, the whole
> works...no modem.
> THEN, I booted into WinXP to download a file, did so, shutdown WinXP and
> rebooted Suse at which point the modem was detected again and now is
> fine.
> Curious, eh? It appears that there was something about the modem that
> wouldn't allow access until I'd done another WinXP boot. The modem is
> the stock internal unit that came w/the laptop and I am using a native
> driver, (NOT ndiswrapper).
> Does anyone have any ideas what may have happened? Thanks.

Are there any relevant messages in /var/log/messages ?
I would have guessed it was a dhcp problem.