[ltp] RE: svideo output on thinkpad z61e

Michael Karcher linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Mon, 11 Aug 2008 16:45:52 +0200

Am Montag, den 11.08.2008, 10:23 -0400 schrieb Bryan Moore:
> > > windows doesn't degrade my lcd to show-out on the tv... in fact,
> > > the tv isn't even set at 800x600; windows sets it at 1024x768.
> > 
> > Is that actually possible? A TV has a (pretty much) fixed native 
> > resolution. What you're probably seeing is a 1024x768 desktop which
> > has been scaled down; the result will be a somewhat blurry image. Of
> > course, since most TVs aren't watched up close, this is usually not
> > noticeable.
> > 
> > Richard
> my lcd is 1280x1024 (widescreen), so i don't think that's it...

But S-Video is S-Video. And NTSC S-Video has approximately 480 visible
lines, and exactly 525 total lines. There is no way to push a 1024x768
picture over S-Video in NTSC format.
