[ltp] too hot T60

Chris Penn linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Wed, 30 Jul 2008 16:50:56 -0500

well, the two cores chills between 42 and 48, and ocassionally goes to 50C.=
I was just kinda rounding up. Right now, the two temps are 42 and 47.......

Im running gnome, kernel 2.26.19, compiz, cairodock, rhythmbox, and
some basic desktop services.

my video card runs at about 54-55C (NVidia FX 570M). I definitely
thought that would be warmer.


On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 3:15 PM, Karel Podvolecky <kapo@ok.cvut.cz> wrote:
> Honesly? I have no idea :)
> You have t61p, so i assume you have core _2_ duo and I think it has bette=
> power management, so you should be even lower than 50 degrees. But I give
> you no guarantee :)
> k.
> Chris Penn napsal(a):
>> What is a good idle temperature ? 49? 50?
>> What would be a limit to look for on cpu temperature?
>> In my case, I have a t61p 2.5ghz.
>> thanks,
>> chris...
>> On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 12:31 PM, Karel Podvolecky <kapo@ok.cvut.cz>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello everybody,
>>>  I have T60 too (model F4G-2007 with upgraded RAM and HDD). And I'm
>>> suffering same temperatures as you do. In the beginning I have CPU
>>> temperatures even higher, than you.
>>>  I was several times in service. I have mainboard replaced 2 times, CPU
>>> replaced 1 time and cooler replaced about 4-5 times. Only one think get
>>> better: CPU. Its temperature went about 10 degrees down. But that was a=
>>> .
>>>  Under heavy load I had even 110 degrees on CPU and GPU when I was
>>> encoding
>>> video using both cores.
>>> Only two things get these temperatures a little bit lower:
>>> 1) open the notebook and blow away all the dust
>>> 2) bend a little metal coller that is pressing on GPU chip, so it press
>>> more
>>> Hope it helps,
>>> cheers
>>> Karel Podvolecky
>>> Carles Pina i Estany napsal(a):
>>>> Hello,
>>>> My T60, lastly, is too hot.
>>>> Having the KDE, load average 0.4 (downloading some things to external
>>>> USB) the temperature is always 69=BAC or 70=BAC.
>>>> Fan is mainly on all the time.
>>>> Some information:
>>>> carles@pinux:~$ cat /proc/acpi/ibm/fan     status:         enabled
>>>> speed:          3255
>>>> level:          auto
>>>> commands:       level <level> (<level> is 0-7, auto, disengaged,
>>>> full-speed)
>>>> commands:       enable, disable
>>>> commands:       watchdog <timeout> (<timeout> is 0 (off), 1-120
>>>> (seconds))
>>>> carles@pinux:~$
>>>> carles@pinux:~$ cat /proc/acpi/ibm/thermal temperatures:   69 51 50 87
>>>> 52
>>>> -128 47 -128 51 64 65 -128 -128 -128 -128
>>>> -128
>>>> carles@pinux:~$
>>>> carles@pinux:~$ lsmod |grep -i think
>>>> thinkpad_acpi          48028  1 nvram                   8488  2
>>>> thinkpad_acpi
>>>> carles@pinux:~$
>>>> carles@pinux:~$ uname -a
>>>> Linux pinux 2.6.24-1-686 #1 SMP Sat Apr 19 00:37:55 UTC 2008 i686
>>>> GNU/Linux
>>>> carles@pinux:~$
>>>> (from Debian)
>>>> I searched in Internet and I think that the temperature should be a bi=
>>>> lower than 70=BAC for an idle desktop.
>>>> I'm not monitoring everyday the temperature, but the fan is quite much
>>>> time on. Now I will also monitor the temperature.
>>>> A couple of times the Kernel has switched off the computer because it
>>>> reached 100=BAC (!!)
>>>> I bought this computer on August 2006, I've never updated the BIOS.
>>>> Thank you,
>>> --
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>>> http://mailman.linux-thinkpad.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-thinkpad
> --
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