[ltp] Hard lock on T42p

John linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sat, 30 May 2009 09:44:44 -0400

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IBM T42p, running Debian, not quite up-to-date sid, dual booted with
XP Pro.

Recently I tried suspend (Fn-F4) for the first time. It appeared to
suspend, but would not wake up again. Eventually I just held the power
button down.

Since then, the laptop is almost totally locked up: I get an initial
flash of the lights, then only the Power On light (tilted Z). Not even
the initial IBM display, much less grub. No Knoppix. The fan is
on. Everything stops immediately if I hit the power button.

I'd appreciate a hint on how to proceed. Even the right words for
google would be a help. Could it be a hardware problem?

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