[ltp] Fan error T43

Christoph Schmees linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Mon, 04 Mar 2013 16:07:14 +0100

On 03.03.2013 18:43, Piotr Szotkowski wrote:
> Bill Andrus:
>> Replacing a T4x fan is about an hour's work with a Home Depot
>> Husky 6-in-1 screwdriver and possibly a security driver set
> I need to do exactly this, and from the T43 manual I got from
> lenovo.com it seems you need to remove the whole radiator and
> then reattach it, applying heating paste beforehand; can one
> replace the fan without removing the radiator?

AFAIK there is (officially) no fan alone available as spare part. 
You will have to purchase the whole FRU comprising heat sink plus 
fan attached. I have done that for my old T40. The FRU was about 
40$ (in the bay, not at lenovo) plus thirty minutes for 
disassembling, fitting the FRU, and assembling the machine again. 
Thanks to the extraordinary good an comprehensive HMM it is an 
easy task, provides you are well organized and equipped with tiny 
