APM Trouble
Marius Aamodt Eriksen
Fri, 9 Jul 1999 04:58:25 -0400
I have a thinkpad 560, 133Mhz, 40MB RAM and 2 GB HD
When I have just booted my machine, I am able to issue the command apm --suspend, the machine suspends, and will also resume normally. However, if I go into X-Windows, this command will not execute. It does try, but the 'suspend' light on the keyboard just blinks, the machine holds up for a couple of seconds, then just resume normally. After quitting X-Windows, I still cannot suspend the machine. Any Ideas? I've also tried to restart apmd, without luck.
Marius Aamodt Eriksen
IT/IS Telenor Nextel AS
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