[ltp] car and airplance adapter

Aaron Mulder linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sun, 7 Nov 2004 08:29:17 -0500 (EST)

	I have a really old Targus auto/air adapter.  Got it for a T20, 
now using it on a T42.  It works great.  I think the case (or the web 
site) has a list of specific IBM models it supports, if the power 
requirements on yours are different.

On Sun, 7 Nov 2004, James Knott wrote:
> BTW, what power do airplanes provide?  Is it a different voltage? 
> Connector?

	Mine has some kind of 4-pin connector -- you take the tip of the
auto adapter off to reveal the different connector style, and it becomes
an airplane adapter.  Since that is still before the brick, I assume the
airplane is also DC and I would guess at the same voltage as auto (but
maybe the brick can just handle more than one incoming voltage).  In 
general, I've found that Airbus 32x planes support it, and not much else, 
but I think it depends on what airline you favor.
