[ltp] unsubscribe trinitron

Ken L Johnson linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Thu, 21 Oct 2004 01:27:15 -0600

On Thursday 21 October 2004 01:15, linux-thinkpad-request@linux-thinkpad.org 
> This is an automated response.
> There were problems with the email commands you sent to Mailman via
> the administrative address
> <linux-thinkpad-request@linux-thinkpad.org>.
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> please send your message to <linux-thinkpad-admin@linux-thinkpad.org>.
> The following is a detailed description of the problems.
> ***** unsubscribe
> >>>>> Usage: unsubscribe <password> [<email-address>]
> ***** End: --
> The rest of the message is ignored:
> > Ken L Johnson <kejohnson@novell.com>

Ken L Johnson <kejohnson@novell.com>