[ltp] Re: T41 Recovery CD

Juergen Stuber linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sat, 25 Sep 2004 14:29:18 +0200

Hi Aaron,

Aaron Mulder <ammulder@alumni.princeton.edu> writes:
> 	My experience was the T40/T42 recovery was:
>  - The license key you have is an OEM key, so presumably the disc is too.  
>    The key won't work with a retail or MSDN WinXP CD, but it does work
>    with Dell WinXP CDs.  I haven't tried the converse (retail key and IBM
>    disc), but based on the above I would guess that it won't work.  Plus,
>    on account of the process you followed, I suspect the disc isn't
>    "identical" to a standard OEM install disc.

would my key work with my CD on a different computer or a VMware virtual PC?

>  - Recovery deletes the first partition and then installs to the first
>    block of contiguous free space (which could be bigger than the original
>    first partition if there was free space after it).

That is interesting, I always thought it clobbers everything
but the recovery partition.  Makes it a little friendlier towards Linux.

>  - If you install from a recovery CD, you should get all your drivers and
>    pre-installed software back.

I don't have one, never asked for one.
I still have the recovery partition, though.

> If you install from a "plain" Windows XP
> 3) copy everything from the drivers and apps directories on the
>    original Windows XP install onto CDs or a DVD and then use that to
>    reinstall all the drivers after you've reinstalled WinXP.

That's what I have in mind, but it is not obvious to me what
directories I need to preserve and how to go about installing
things.  For example, I have here VALUEADD, SUPPORT, DRIVERS,
and IBMTOOLS with among others another subdirectory DRIVERS.
The Cisco Aironet driver seems to be under WINDOWS/Cisco/DInstall,
so I'm a bit unsure what I need, and whether more drivers are
hiding elsewhere.

>  Option #3
>    has the least hassle, but won't result in the most updated drivers.

Sure, but as long as they makes the machine work that is ok,
I can hunt for newer ones in case I need them.



Jürgen Stuber <juergen@jstuber.net>
gnupg key fingerprint = 2767 CA3C 5680 58BA 9A91  23D9 BED6 9A7A AF9E 68B4

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