[ltp] T43 and libdvdcss/libdvdread

Arnaud Fontaine linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sun, 18 Dec 2005 22:07:55 +0100

>>>>> "Ziga" == Ziga Mahkovec <ziga.mahkovec@klika.si> writes:

    Ziga> If I bring up IBM Rescue and Recovery (either via GRUB or the
    Ziga> Rescue CD I had created) and go to "Diagnose hardware", I'm
    Ziga> greeted with the following error:

    Ziga>   "Error - no diagnostics seem to be available on your system"

    Ziga> Do diagnostics require a Windows installation? (I only kept
    Ziga> the recovery partition.)


Maybe you should restore HD in factory settings in order to do that
:/. Is someone know if a method which allow to run diag without
reinstall all the HD from factory ?

Arnaud Fontaine <arnaud@andesi.org> - http://www.andesi.org/ | GPG
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