[ltp] IBM Recovery CDs, partitions

Michael Kaiser linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Fri, 30 Sep 2005 15:25:58 +0200


I bought a R52 last week. As I intend to have WXPP and Linux on this
laptop, I decided to play around with some Linux live CDs.
Unfortunately, I damaged the partition table and thje pre desktop area
got lost. I ordered the recovery CDs yesterday, but they told me, it
might take up to 9 day. :-( I don't want to wait that long, so I plan
to do a "clean" partitioning beforehand and install Linux. Does this
makes sense? Or will the recovery CDs wipe the harddrive again and my
Linux will get lost?

Any help appreciated.



Banane ist mein Lieblingsgem=FCse,
   denn es hat keine Knochen.