[ltp] tp_smapi/hdaps whitelist change, possible breakage

Shem Multinymous linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Wed, 26 Jul 2006 11:27:18 +0300


Future versions of tp_smapi and its hdaps patch will contain a new
hardware detection mechanism. Instead of a long and frequently updated
list of models, they will do the equivalent of the following:

# dmidecode | grep ': IBM ThinkPad Embedded Controller'

If this command returns nothing on your box then the new drivers will
refuse to load. So if that's the case and tp_smapi or hdaps currently
do work for you, let me know so we can add an exception, and please
update the relevant ThinkWiki tables:

BTW, according to the current tables the only known exception is X24.
