[ltp] xbacklight debugging

Michael Karcher linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Fri, 16 Nov 2007 10:18:14 +0100

Am Mittwoch, den 14.11.2007, 09:34 +0800 schrieb fernanbolando:
> > > xrandr --verbose says
> > > BACKLIGHT: 0 (0x00000000) range: (0,0)
This looks like a driver bug. On my (non-IBM) i945 chipset, I get
 BACKLIGHT: 255 (0x000000ff) range:  (0,255)
Your driver reports that there is just one possible level of the
backlight, which seems wrong.
> it has i945 graphics chipset. 
> I'm using the i810 xorg driver, which can detect the chipset.
The i810 driver is quite old, and has been replaced by the intel driver
quite shortly after introducing XRandR 1.2 capabilities (which is needed
for xbacklight). Try a driver update.

  Michael Karcher