[ltp] thinkpad-acpi release 0.17-20071002 uploaded to ibm-acpi.sf.net

Frédéric BOITEUX linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Wed, 3 Oct 2007 12:58:09 +0200

Le mer 03 oct 2007 00:02:47 CEST, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
<hmh@hmh.eng.br> a écrit :

> This release needs testing, and it needs testing FAST.  It has two import=
> features that could make it for 2.6.24, if I get reports of how well they
> work in less than a week.
> ...
>   I have received so far *NO* reports from Thinkpads that really benefit
>   from NVRAM polling, such as the T23 and T30 and earlier.

  I have a X31 (not with latest BIOS, I didn't updated it as I didn't
have to), and I wonder if I need NVRAM polling ? I'm now using
thinkpad-acpi 0.15-20070723 and tbp, and all is working nice, except
suspend-to-RAM and suspend-to disk keyboard Fn-F8? and F11 shortcuts.
Can it be useful in my case to test newer thinkpad-acpi release ?
