[ltp] thinkpad-acpi release 0.17-20071002 uploaded to ibm-acpi.sf.net

Jan Gutter linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Wed, 03 Oct 2007 13:35:04 +0200

On Wed, 2007-10-03 at 00:02 -0300, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:

> This release needs testing, and it needs testing FAST.  It has two important
> features that could make it for 2.6.24, if I get reports of how well they
> work in less than a week.
> * Support for 16-level brightness for Lenovo thinkpads
>   (X61, T61 *needs* this.  X60 likely does so, as well.  T60 appears not to,
>    but I welcome tests, it should auto-detect).

I have a Thinkpad X61 Tablet model, I get the following results:

/proc/acpi/ibm/brightness lists 7 levels, if I set from 0 to 7, it goes
from dark to about half-bright. Luckily the Fn-keys set the brightness
to full (no matter if you go up or down ;-)

If I'm not mistaken it should be 15, right?

I'm running 2.6.23-rc9, and I've skipped testing 0.16 release. Should I
check it out too?
