[ltp] Please help me pick out my next thinkpad
Marius Gedminas
Wed, 11 Jun 2008 22:17:17 +0300
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On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 11:08:50AM -0600, Christos Papadopoulos wrote:
> I am in the market for a new thinkpad and need your help.
> My requirement is a small laptop, so the X-series seems the
> most likely candidate. So what should I order?
> In other words, combination of what graphics card, wireless, etc,
> should I get to ensure the best possible compatibility with
> Linux? I plan to install either Ubuntu or Fedora.
Intel hardware is your best bet for compatibility. Everything should
work out of the box, with a recent Ubuntu (or Fedora, I assume).
> Wireless and suspend/resume MUST work. Multimedia stuff would
> be nice.
But of course.
Be a bit wary about buying a laptop newer than the most recent release
of your distro, new hardware often requires new drivers update.
Marius Gedminas
Unix for stability;
Macs for productivity;
Palm for mobility;
Windows for Solitaire
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