[ltp] T20 with Debian 2.6.24: Won't return from suspend

Michael Karcher linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Thu, 11 Sep 2008 08:29:16 +0200

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Am Donnerstag, den 11.09.2008, 00:04 -0300 schrieb Henrique de Moraes
> Well, if it is a T20 (and not, say, a T23).  Try using APM, tpb, and the
> older ThinkPad utils suites that do SMAPI instead of ACPI.  It might work=
> lot better...
While this might be true, I switched from APM to ACPI something like 2.5
years ago on my T20 without any problems. And when I started to get the
BOD symptoms, switching back to APM did not change anything about it (no
surprise, since it is a hardware problem). But you are definitely right
that apm & apmd did work out of the box for suspending to both disk and
ram, but the APM suspend to disk is dead slow.

  Michael Karcher

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