[ltp] infrared ports

Thomas Hood linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
30 Oct 2002 13:06:50 +0100

On Tue, 2002-10-29 at 20:16, dan moylan wrote:
> i have downloaded thinkpad-3.7 and tpctl-3.7, unpacked, "made",
> and instlled them and have tried using them to set up my serial
> ports on my tp-600e.  btw, i see no reference in any of the man
> pages to the infra red, which i am trying to disable in favor
> of the normal serial port and built-in fax/modem. this puzzles
> me.  i've run:
>   tpctl -rs1=com1 -rs1=0x3f8 -rs1=irq4 -rs1=enable
>   tpctl -rs2=com2 -rs2=0x2f8 -rs2=irq3 -rs2=enable
> with the result:
>   tpctl: serial port 1 has been set to COM1
>   tpctl: serial port 1 has been enabled
>   tpctl: serial port 1 interrupt has been set to IRQ4
>   tpctl: serial port 1 base address has been set to 0x3f8
>   resource state:               ioaddr irq#   able? mode/power
>          serial port 1:          0x3f8 IRQ4  enable (error)
>   tpctl: serial port 2 has been set to COM2
>   tpctl: serial port 2 has been enabled
>   tpctl: serial port 2 interrupt has been set to IRQ3
>   tpctl: serial port 2 base address has been set to 0x2f8
>   resource state:               ioaddr irq#   able? mode/power
>          serial port 2:          0x2f8 IRQ3  enable
> i don't know what causes the error wrt serial port 1.
> serial port 1 is connected to an external modem, and
> serial port 2 is (i believe) the internal modem.
> neither appears to work.
> what don't i understand?

Actually, serial port 2 is the infrared port.

tpctl cannot control the settings of the Mwave modem.

It is best to use PS2.EXE to control hardware configuration.
After booting Linux, the best choice is setpnp.  setpnp can
be used to control the Mwave modem hardware configuration.
tpctl --r* can be used as a last resort, but the changes it
makes are lost on reboot, since it talks directly to hardware.

Look at the pages referenced below for more information.

Thomas Hood
Linux on TP600 page: http://panopticon.csustan.edu/thood/tp600lnx.htm
tpctl home page: http://tpctl.sourceforge.net/tpctlhome.htm

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