[ltp] Re: r40 without built-in wireless

dirk husemann linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Tue, 20 Apr 2004 13:19:26 +0200

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On Sunday 18 April 2004 03.38, Norbert Wojtowicz wrote to=20
> I am hoping to purchase a thinkpad r40, but the one I have found for a
> decent price does not have built-in wireless. From what I've read, the
> newer thinkpads only boot with either an ibm or cisco mini pci card. Yet,
> it seems the cisco mini pci card is not supported. Much of the literature
> seems outdated or contradictory. Can someone help me pick out a good
> linux-supported mini pci card for this laptop?

the mini-pci card actually is supported by the driver in 2.6.4 (at least) a=
later...i bought an R40 w/o mini-pci and ordered a cisco mini-pci, inserted=
it myself and have been using it for my home machine w/o a problem so far.
Dr Dirk Husemann, Mobile Computing, IBM Research, Zurich Research Lab
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