[ltp] weird trouble in FC1 on TP770X

Shingo Tamaru linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Thu, 13 May 2004 06:07:35 -0400

I'm having a very weired problem in my system and need your help.

I just installed Fedora Core 1 onto my TP770X whose CPU was
upgraded to PIII-500. This system worked just fine after installation.
Next I updated the system by executing 'yum update'. This update
also went through with no problem. The kernel is now 2.4.22-1.2188.nptl.
Mozilla was also updated to mozilla-1.4.1-18.

Then the problem happened. After this update, mozilla does not
accept any key stroke. If I try to type in a url, or operate using
a short-cut key, mozilla just freezes. It still responds mouse
clicking. So I can browse web pages linked from the FC1 home

I reversed the version of the kernel and mozilla to the ones right
after the initial installation with no avail. I think this problem is
specific to TP770X since I have been using FC1 on my T20 and
Compaq desktop and never had such a strange problem. I don't
know if this problem has anything to do with the upgraded CPU
or not, but I doubt it since other programs are working fine.

So I have absolutely no clue what causes this problem. I would
appreciate if you can give my any advice about how to troubleshoot.

Thanks in advance.