[ltp] Re: R50e - problems with external monitor

Julius Plenz linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Tue, 26 Jul 2005 13:54:19 +0000 (UTC)

* Boris Gorelik <bgbg@pob.huji.ac.il> [2005-07-25]:
> Everything went OK, except for one annoying problem: there is an
> option to use the laptop monitor, an external monitor and both. The
> combination Fn+F7 is supposed to rotate between three options. It
> works fine in Windows, but not in linux: here I have only two
> options: laptop and external monitor.

Same thing here.

> Can anyone give me a hint on what's going on?

I don't know, either. I solved the problem by installing i855crt[1].
Now you can do: sudo ./i855crt swcursor on 1024x768@60 to enable
external monitor output. Do disable it, enter sudo ./i855crt off.

If the program segfaults this is because you don't have XVideo
extension loaded in X. With my graphic card (Intel Corp. 82852/855GM)
you do this editing the XF86Config-4:

Section "Device"
    Identifier  "Intel Corp. 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device"
    Driver      "i810"
    Option      "XVideo" "true"

I made a little page[2] about my ThinkPad, but I don't think it will
be very helpful for you since it's written in German.

[1]  http://sourceforge.net/projects/i855crt
[2]  http://www.plenz.com/linux/thinkpad_R50e